Testing Room Services

监考服务在图书馆/学习资源中心B131室提供.  For information contact Becky Will, 217.641.4527 or by email.


  • Ag Center: Ben Neisen, 217.641.4558
  • Mt. Sterling Center: Jeanne Yingling, 217.641.4144
  • Pittsfield Center: Jaclyn Baker, 217.641.4570

Last updated: 3/1/22


Mission约翰伍德CC考场通过提供安静的环境来促进学生的成功, secure area for administering tests.

In this mission, 我们以全国大学考试协会发布的专业监考最佳实践为指导.

Vision: JWCC检测室工作人员将“促进公平、安全的检测体验和检测结果有效性的行为”.”


昆西校区有一个监控考场(B131室),用于补考和公开学习课程的考试.  Testing for structured courses is also possible, 根据您的部门主席或主任和测试室主管(贝基·威尔)确定的可用性, ext. 4527).  Contact them for prior approval.  除非在紧急情况下,否则应该避免进行类范围的测试. (Extended weather closure, for example)

Instructors will complete a Proctored Test Instruction Form for each test to be proctored.

Administering JWCC Tests

Structured Classes

  • 补考——老师将把考试留给那些被允许带着相应的监考指导表补考的学生.
  • Whole class – On rare occasions, 教师可以在考场为全班学生布置试题. 老师会在考试上注明截止日期,学生可以在正常工作时间内到考场.  应该鼓励学生不要等待,因为考试是先到先得的.

Online and Hybrid Classes

  • 指导员将提供给考场一个密码,该密码将为学生打开考试.
  • If the test instructions, password, 学生的人数/姓名在整个学期是相同的,教师可以只填写一个测试指导表.

Open Learning Classes

  • All open learning tests are administered in the testing room. 有些是纸笔考试,有些是有密码保护的在线考试.

Placement Testing

  • 招生服务/咨询人员在分班测试beat365平台上输入学生的姓名和适当的考试信息和凭证号码. 该beat365平台由每个地点的测试服务主管维护,通常包含当前的工作时间, 由于期末考试的需要,每学期最后两周不安排分班考试.

Proctoring outside the testing room

  • Nursing Department
    • 监考服务可以在护理部的要求下在计算机实验室提供,如果有工作人员的话. 紧急后备人员由护理部提供.
    • CNA -注册护理助理能力评估笔试测试每月一次,由SIU协调. Online examinations have recently been added.  (2019)
Administering Tests for Other Institutions/Outside Agencies

As a service to our district residents, 考场可为高校提供免费监考, institutions, or agencies.  希望参加监考的个人和学生将在原院校和JWCC之间进行适当的联系.  如果需要任何特殊软件,您必须提醒我们,因为它可能可用,也可能不可用. The JWCC Contact is Becky Will, ext. 4527.

  • 学监申请表-学生可以提供一份来自原申请机构的学监申请表的纸质副本,必须签名并寄回该机构. 此表格提供必要的测试信息(姓名、地址等).).  发起机构可以在另一个通信中提供具体的测试说明和实际考试.  Some proctor request forms may be handled via email.
  • 完成的测试-完成的测试将按照发起机构的指示通过电子邮件或邮寄方式退回. 任何特殊费用(加急、特殊递送、隔夜等).)  will be paid by the student.

Last updated: 3/1/22

  1. BE INFORMED. 确保你知道课程编号,考试名称/编号和你的导师的名字.
  2. BE PREPARED. You must show the testing room personnel a photo ID; either a JWCC ID or a state issued driver’s license, for example. Students must sign in 在适当的签到表上,并在测试完成后签到超时.
  3. BE QUIET.  Please be considerate of others and keep your voice lowered.
  4. NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES OF ANY TYPE. 使用任何设备都将导致学术不诚实事件报告.
    1. Cellphones must be turned off (do not put on vibrate) and stored out of reach. 测试期间不得使用手机(通话、发短信或用作计算器). 任何在考试期间使用手机的行为都将导致你的手机被没收,直到你离开考场,并提交一份学术不诚实事件报告.
    2. Headphones and ear buds are not allowed.
    3. No personal laptops or smart watches/devices.
  5. NO ACCESSING PERSONAL ITEMS DURING TEST. Books, back packs, etc. should be placed in the cubbies provided. 访问任何个人物品都可能导致提交学术不诚实事件报告.
  6. ALL TESTS MUST BE COMPLETED BY CLOSING TIME, so plan and use your time wisely.
  7. CHILDREN ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE TESTING ROOM. beat365平台不允许无人看管的孩子进入校园.  (Board Policy No. 请在报到检测前做好适当的安排.

Last updated: 10/31/23

Honorlock is a remote testing service, first implemented during the pandemic, and is intended to ensure the integrity of coursework.  It may be required for students in some classes.  它由外部方监控,不是JWCC测试室的一部分.

  • 昆西校区图书馆的两个学习隔间已被预留出来,供无法在家完成荣誉考试的学生使用.
  • RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED 并只于图书馆正常办公时间内先到先得, first served bases. Contact Becky Will, 217-641-4527, to make a reservation.
  • 学生应该为考试做好准备,任何登录或程序问题都应该在来学校之前直接问你的老师.
  • 进入校园后,学生应首先在图书馆内的测试室(B131)签到. Deposit all personal materials there.  The student will then be directed to the reserved room. 如果考场关闭,学生应到图书馆借阅台签到.

For more information on Honorlock, visit their Student Information page and see Honorlock’s Standard Exam Guidelines